Sunday Roundup- June ’14

posted in: Sunday Roundup! | 1

Our June challenge was “Three Colours.” To quote BMH, “I’d like for you to make something – and by that I mean anything – using only three colours. When I say three colours, I mean three thread colours, three bead colours, etc. It can be an image that is already three colours, or maybe a tri-coloured design inspired by something!”

ashntoph won first place, with this Mario, Peach, and Luigi piece:

BooChocoBoom took second place with this Dr. Seuss/Mario crossover stitch:

icedragaonj placed third with this Pokemon stitch:

And this month began the first “BMH Stamp of Approval.” The first to receive this honor is arkani, with this Pikachu tote:

There are many more awesome entries, so please check them out!

This month’s challenge is “Favourite Class.” There’s still time to enter!

via[TheSpriteStitchForum] Related Posts:

One Response

  1. Where can I find the pattern for the winner (in the forums?). I really like it.

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