Sunday Roundup! -Aug and Sept ’14

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Sunday Roundup!

The Aug/Sept challenge was Silhouettes, and it was a do-over challenge. Said BMH, “We’re revisiting an old challenge this month – silhouettes. This was a really popular challenge last time around and a few people have asked for it to come back, so here it is!
The only rule is that your entry’s main focus (for example your character or thing) should be the thing that is silhouetted. What you do for your background or around it is entirely up to you! It’s a really simple concept but I expect to see lots of creativity.”

There were nine submissions, and they were all fantastic. So guess what? I’m going to post the top 4 today, and the rest tomorrow!

HornyPig won with this awesome Navi stitch:


It’s gorgeous. And check out the subtle “Hey Listen!” in white.

In second place was blackberrybear with this lovely Sailor Moon Crystal piece.

My beautiful picture

In third place was BigDaddyWiz with this colorful Sora and Kairi/Kingdom Hearts stitch:

Sora26Kairi (1)

In fourth place was Clarington with this detailed Twilight Sparkle piece:


Aren’t they wonderful? Check back tomorrow for more!



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