The Props Shop

Etsy is a great source of items, supplies and inspiration too. I stumbled upon The Props Shop while scrolling through my Etsy activity feed and found some really awesome pieces in the store!

This set of three transforming masks from Majora’s Mask are fantastic! The shop has a lot of Zelda items; masks, weapons, rupees and this pretty great Deku Shield:

There’s also other cool items in the shop, like Palutena’s Bow from Kid Icarus, which you can either use as the bow or as the two swords:

And one of my favourite items, a Helix Fossil:

The artist uses all sorts of materials to create her items, like wood, foam, plastic and more! You can find these items and other awesomeness in the Etsy store (link below) – definitely worth checking out!

Via: The Props Shop Etsy store

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2 Responses

  1. I just ordered a rupee from this shop last week! I can’t wait til it gets here.

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