Vulpix and Ninetales Stacking Plushies

posted in: For Sale, Other, Sewn | 0

This Mage needs a dose of cute today, and since my kitten insists on being asleep and not fun at all, I turn to the internet! I found these lovely plushies and because cute must be shared, here they are!

Vulpix Plushies 1

Vulpix Plushies 2

Ninetales Plushies 1

Ninetales Plushies 2

Super cute! They’re made by BubbleRhapsodyDesign on Etsy and are designed for stacking in little heaps of adorableness. I like the Vulpix, but I think my favourite is Ninetales. I’d like to see some other stackable ‘mon too!

Via: Etsy

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