Pokemon Cross Stitch Baby Bib

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Schala-Kitty made this cute lvl one pichu “pokebib”…I guess you’d have to make one each year as your kid levels. though, I can see your 18 year old son/daughter getting a little tired of this tradition.

Pikachu Cross Stitch Bib

via [The Sprite Stitch Forums] Related Posts:

5 Responses

  1. […] This “pokebib” was created by Schala-Kitty. Adorable! (And so is the precious baby modeling it!) Get the details on Sprite Stitch. […]

  2. Pokemon lover

    You need it to level up each month or so ( Make a new bib ) He he he adorable!!

  3. Hi Is there any way I could get the pattern to this as I love it too much plz plz plz x

  4. […] Pokemon Cross Stitch Baby Bib — A video game inspired craft weblog   You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 4 Responses to “Pokemon Cross […]

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