Incredible Super Mario Bros 3 Crochet Blanket

posted in: Crochet | 8

Crocheting is an easy(ish) skill to pick up – even I can do it. There are some people who truly master crochet and Kjetil Nordin is one such person. He created this amazing SMB3 blanket.




According to his friend (who posted the pictures online), it took Nordin 6.5 years, or 800 hours, to crochet this whole thing. This includes the time spent hunting for perfect yarn colours, and even starting over when one of the colours wasn’t to Nordin’s liking.

I wonder what his next project will be?

Via: imgur

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8 Responses

  1. Wow. I will never have the patience for anything like that – and to *start over*! That truly is perfectionism.

  2. Anyone knows where I can find the super mario 3 map pattern?

    • blackmageheart

      I’ll be honest – I have no idea how you take a sprite image and translate it to crochet. I’ve seen people just get an image and grid it out, then use something like tunisian crochet or just doubles. If you haven’t already, try asking on the Sprite Stitch forums, or go to reddit’s r/crochet sub – hope that helps! 🙂

  3. chromataclysm

    It looks like he used 2 rows of 2 single crochet per pixel. I’ve done it before using 1 single crochet = 1 pixel with some success but it looks a little choppier (and smaller) than his beautiful results.

  4. Kjetil Nordin

    I actually used 2 double crochet for each pixel. I am a Big fan of this blog. Honored to be mentioned here 🙂

  5. Fortune Goulais

    Wow, new to crochet but …wow beautiful work….

  6. Shut up and take my money!

  7. Is there a pattern?

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