12 Responses

  1. Awesome!!! I would use these, and have the most fun putting it together, too. Tetris Forever!!

  2. Oh, my, yes.

    I just showed this to my husband and informed him that when we have our own house, our bathroom will have this tile. He is 100% for the idea. Our bathroom is going to be awesome.

  3. There are plenty of women out there who would be into this tile (myself included!) So there is greater than 0 chance that your future wife would love it. ^_^

  4. I tried doing that in my kitchen, but every time finished it all just disappeared.

  5. that’s awesome! I’d totally do the pink one…my kitchen is decorated w/ pink cupcake stuff 🙂 what’s better along side a cupcake than an old school video game? nothing..that’s what!

  6. domingo – HAHA! that took me a second to get…

  7. How cool is that!!! I would do it in a heartbeat and DH would love it! Hope your future wife opens up to the idea!

  8. Wow!!! We still haven’t figured out what to do with ours – think Matt would go for this? You could get your tetris fix coming out to help us install! 🙂

  9. If I lived in a house, I’d totally use Tetris tiles in one of the rooms. Then again, I’m not really a typical girl.

  10. ro – I dunno…maybe try playing some tetris theme music and see how he reacts…

  11. uhm, well. I would let you have those tiles, but only if you’d let me have a big mario wall.

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