Z is for Zelda Cross Stitch

posted in: Other | 21

As usual I wake up to an absolutely awesome project sitting in my inbox.

Meg sent in this amazing zelda alphabet cross stitch that she made for her friend Erin. Erin hasn’t seen it yet, so surprise! you have an awesome friend.

zelda alphabet needlepoint

Free Pattern by Meg!

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21 Responses

  1. […] Found via Sprite Stitch […]

  2. Kelly C.

    This is great! I have a friend who would LOVE this. The chart has a color key, but no floss color numbers. I don’t suppose the designer would mind sharing those, as well? I’m horrible at color matching.

  3. I actually tweaked the colors as I went and ended up restitching a few of the images after deciding I didn’t like the colors. Since I had to order all my floss online without seeing the colors IRL, I kind of just made do with the best ones I got. There are bound to be better matches out there, but I can share the list I ended up using (all DMC):
    white, 3072, 648, 646, 413, 3778, 920, 3777, 801, 829, 782, 3856, 3852, 725, 307, 704, 701, 3809, 964, 809, 798, 820, 333, 340, 211

  4. boatofcar

    I love this pattern! Can you please post the floss color numbers?

  5. Love it!! Thank you for sharing the pattern, Meg, and coming back to include the DMC floss numbers :). I bet my kiddo would love me to stitch this up for him.

  6. I love this! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Liquidkarma

    That is very cool, Meg!! Awesome stitching!

  8. […] Z Is For Zelda Cross Stitch [Sprite Stitch] reddit_url = http://www.hotbloodedgaming.com/2010/07/26/the-abcs-of-zelda/;reddit_title = The+ABC%E2%80%99s+Of+Zelda;reddit_newwindow=’1′; Tags: crafts, learning, Link, Zelda […]

  9. Holy cow! I’ve just discovered my next project 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing the chart!

    How big a piece of aida did you start with?

  10. génial cette grille et le résultat est superbe, bravo !!

  11. I didn’t want it to be too big, since I was worried about how much wall space it would occupy, so I used a 12″x18″ piece of 22ct Hardanger fabric.

  12. Anonymous

    I’m a huge Zelda geek, but I can’t seem to figure out X. Am I missing something?

  13. A – Arrow
    B – Boomerang
    C – Cuckoo
    D – Deku nut
    E – Ezlo
    F – Fairy
    G – Ganon
    H – Heart (a piece of heart was more Zelda-identifiable than a full heart)
    I – Icerod
    J – Jar
    K – Key
    L – Link
    M – Map
    N – Net
    O – Ocarina
    P – Potion
    Q – Quiver
    R – Rupee
    S – Sword (Master Sword, of course!)
    T – Triforce
    U – Ulria
    V – Vaati
    W – Windwaker
    X – EliXir Soup
    Y – Yeto
    Z – Zelda

  14. Now it will be obvious to the world how far behind I am in my blog feeds! I absolutely have an amazing friend, thank you Meg!! I can’t wait to hang this up in Gabe’s room 🙂 What a perfect way to teach him the alphabet. We love you!

  15. Wow, fantastic work! Just amazing!

  16. Amazing! My boyfriend is very impressed, and we definitely need our own to hang up.

  17. So i went and bought all the colors you said you used and I ended up missing a green according to the color sheet on the pattern. Not sure which colors you used where. Possible explaination? And you didn’t use black for the letters? I’m so confused on what you used where. Agh.

  18. I know this is like WAAAAY after this post was first published, but I’m just discovering this site, (I love it by the way) and my sister is a huge zelda fan, and I really want to start working on this for her as a gift, I know you said what size aida you worked, but how many strands of floss did you use and were they all regular cross stitch, or were some half stitches?

  19. I’m also discovering this site and wonderful cross-stitch for the first time, and I thought I’d give it a gp as a gift for my daughter. However, 8 letters in, stitching in black, I find myself in the same unfortunate position as Dana where the list of DMC colours provided by Meg doesn’t seem to match those in there colour chart. Particularly black (which is number 310) and one of the greens. Does anyone an accurate list? Any help appreciated!

  20. My sister came up with great colors for this and I thought I would share:
    left column:
    168 (light gray)
    317 (dark grey)
    310 (black)
    760 (pink)
    351 (orangey)
    433 (brown)
    436 (lighter borwn)
    402 (peach)
    3826 (brown/orange)
    3821 (gold)
    726 (yellow)

    right column:
    989 (lightest green)
    904 (darkest green)
    3810 (teal)
    3844 (aqua)
    794 (light blue)
    791 (indigo)
    553 (darkest purple)
    211 (lightest purple)

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