13 Responses

  1. I totally agree. When I’ve searched for “Pokemon” or something I get eyeshadows and nail polishes. Irksome.

  2. I think you might have missed the point… it’s “8bit cherry” like the cherries IN pacman. It’s not that bad…
    They also have a butterbeer one, and all sorts of other “geeky” things. I think the shop did a good job.

  3. Don’t be a hipster, it’s cute. I’d much rather have those around my house than the stupid pictures of cottages and retarded names like “wedding day” on the scented candles my husband has now…

  4. Melissa (oddharmonic)

    It’s an analogue to the “This is Not Steampunk” category on Regretsy, which features items that most commonly have some gears glued on it but don’t have any relationship to the subculture.

  5. totally agree :<

  6. I kind of agree, but then I kind of don’t. What makes that fleece thrown on the couch geeky? It’s got a Pacman pattern on it. It’s not at its foundation any different than another blanket, except the machine sewed picture X in instead of picture Y. Instead of putting “Happy Unicorn Cherry” on the label, they put Pacman and you’ve got a Pacman candle… right?

    A Portal Cake Scent candle turns out to just smell like the regular Cake Scent candle. I think there’s a bit of a geek/nerd anger that springs up here. Because so-called “Nerdy” things have been sidelined for so long and now they’re popular, we don’t want our culture overrun by people just trying to make a buck. But is the intention of the seller, or the affection of the buyer that makes something authentic? With something that is genuinely unique (like an autograph, or a movie prop) there is a component of “realness” to it. Where does that realness come from if we can’t pinpoint it as easily?

    Is it the fact that it’s a candle mean it can’t be geeky? Is it not enough work? If the image were etched or silkscreened on the glass would it be Geeky?

    I’m inclined to agree with you, because in this case it seems like a cheap shot to appeal to a particular audience, and that’s frustrating. But what’s the alternative? If ThinkGeek sells this candle, would you hate it less?

    • I like aarons comments on this… I feel like the effort is what is missing.

      Making a pacman blanket that takes hours to sew, shows your love and dedication for a game or character… Printing a label on a jar just seems cheaper.

      And to answer his question, I think id hate it MORE if thinkgeek sold it.

  7. Personally, I enjoy your cranky comments. 😀

  8. The name of the maker is bubble and geek and the scent of the candle is “8-bit cherry” they’re not claiming this particular candle is geeky at all.
    Maybe you should of done them the courtesy of looking through their Etsy a bit more before slating it.

  9. ooo, people have strong opinions on this. Most agree I think, but I have to agree with this commnet “I’d much rather have those around my house than the stupid pictures of cottages and retarded names like “wedding day” on the scented candles my husband has now…”

  10. Same here, though I’d much rather have a different scent other than the cherry. I love cherries though, just would like a different scent.

  11. Although some people here make great points, I tend to agree with you LL.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for geeky stuff in every avenue of my life (as you know) but I think I prefer something with a bit more…zing. I understand that it’s meant to be like the cherries in Pacman, but to be honest I’d be more impressed if someone had mixed a flavour that was meant to represent Pacman himself, or the pills, or the ghosts – whatever! (For some reason I imagine Pacman smells of sandalwood and banana.)
    Same goes for other things like the Portal Cake Scent mentioned, or any other similar things.
    However, best of luck to Bubble&Geek in their future endeavours!

  12. This post was dead on. All these apologists don’t realize that they are being exploited and that the makers dgaf about homage they just want to trigger reactions associated with a trend. I’m glad video games are getting mainstream but when companies start picking up on the fact that adding a few buzzwords will get you to buy something you didn’t want to before you are being transformed into a commodity. WISE UP.

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