10 Responses

  1. I really hope your wife is ok!

  2. Turqoizyoshi

    Hospital? Why? Are you “expecting” someone? 😉

  3. Hope all is ok!

  4. Very sorry to hear that… hope all is well, and that you have a happy holiday 🙂

  5. I hope everything is ok with her! Happy Holidays!

  6. I hope she’s doing okay! Take time for the family, it’s what’s important.

  7. turqoiz – we are expecting someone…someone who wants to come 6 weeks early. still holding off for now. we’ll see…

  8. TatteredRagDoll

    johloh, know how that goes. I’ve still got four weeks left myself, that I don’t think our little one will make it to the end of.


    I blame it on all the great gaming releases of the holiday season. Would -you- want to be cooped up in a cramped ‘ol womb with all this gaming awesomeness being released? Didn’t think so. LoL

    Just let your wife know she has someone right there with her.

  9. Get well soon and I hope everything is okay. Have a lovely Xmas when your home. x

  10. I certainly hope things keep holding off, at least for another five weeks. (Though the six would obviously be preferred.)

    Don’t worry about the lack of updates. I’m fairly positive that you’ve got some really loyal readers (myself included) that will keep checking back daily until there *is* a new post. ^.^

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