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skater43 stitches Zelda games

Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by carand88 »

Nice job on the finish!! It looks fantastic and I'm looking forward to seeing it framed.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Long time coming (though I know others on this board and elsewhere have spent much longer on much bigger/more involved pictures and props to them for doing so) and challenging at times, but I still enjoyed working on it. Easy stuff is nice, but it's also good to be pushed a little. Next two Zelda projects, or at least the two I currently have patterns for, will also be rather large and involved, though not nearly as much as this one (though my Minish Cap pattern uses a lot more colors, so there is that). But I do like how this turned out and am also looking forward to what the final product looks like.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

Beautiful job! Congrats!!!
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) A fun challenge and I am pleased with the results. And do appreciate the support and encouragement from you and the rest of the board. I'm the one doing the actual stitching, but you guys are involved/part of the team as well. AGDQ prize will take a couple of months, putting mid-November as my goal/deadline, then we'll jump back to Zelda. Wind Waker is likely the next one I'll do, but we'll see once we get into November. Mentioned a few posts ago I do have the picture/idea I want to use for Spirit Tracks, I just need to convert it to a workable pattern so to speak (do have KG Chart, so I may mess with that. Issue as I said, is getting the details without making it a huge picture that will take months/years to stitch). So I may mess with that the next couple of months and do that game next instead. Not really sure what I want for Phantom Hourglass, so we're still looking at pictures and ideas for a pattern for that. But those three and Minish Cap will keep us busy for the next 3 or 4 years, especially with breaks here and there for more GDQ prizes (have a great idea/pattern for SGDQ 2023 already) and other projects that come up along the way.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Here we go, Twilight Princess all framed and completed. As you can see, we went with a little different color of frame, more of a grey than solid black or white, and also a different texture. But it fits the style of the picture, so I'm happy with the change and how it turned out. Lot of weeks went into making it, but I think the final results are worth it. I again have to give credit to the pattern maker because I think that's where the true artistry is: in making the wolf and Link come alive, blend together, make the picture. I was just following directions. This is different than all my other Zelda pictures, but the tone and style of the game is a bit different than previous entries in the series. Different isn't necessarily better or worse, just not the same. Don't know if I'd call this one my favorite that I've done, but I do think it's a little more special than the others.

Been slacking on getting a WIP pic of Wind Waker, but we're making nice progress on that. Next day or two I'll see about getting a pic up for you guys.
twilight princess framed IMG_1428.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

As promised, a WIP pic of Wind Waker. 4 weeks in now, so a little further than our usual first picture, but still quite a ways to go. But things are filling in nicely. We can see we've moved the hoop once already: learning from Twilight Princess that going up and down a pattern is easier than left and right, we're doing the same thing here. Started in the lower left corner, work our way to the top of the mast basically, then back down to the front of the boat. This picture is also similar to TP in that it's one picture, rather than a series of sprites or items. Link, the water, the boat are all connected. There's a few spots, like under Link's arm that won't be stitched, but most everything in the pattern is solid stitches. However, it's not a nice filled out rectangle like TP was, so there's odds and ends and I need to be careful not to miss single stitches of a color off the back of the boat, say. So not nearly as challenging or involved as TP was, but there's something to this, too. This will also go much faster than TP. Added up the number of stitches per color and think I got 12,000+. As I recall, TP was over 27,000 stitches, so this should be a little under half as long. Do have a project lined up for SGDQ 2023 (and have the colors already, too), but we'll worry about that March or April. So we've got the next 2+ months to work on this and should make pretty good progress on it. Couple of minor mistakes having to undo/redo a half dozen stitches or so so far, but nothing significant, so we're rolling along.
wind waker wip 12-11-22 IMG_20221211_120821.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by blackmageheart »

looking good! and that TP one is just awesome!
my kid has asked me to stitch this WW pattern as well :D how fast/easy do you find it to stitch?
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Yes, I'm definitely pleased and impressed with how TP turned out. Wouldn't say it's necessarily my favorite piece I've done, but it would be the piece I'd use to show people my craft/what I do in my spare time as prolly the most impressive work I've done to date. Lot of work went into it, literally hundreds of hours, but well worth it I think. And again, credit to Sarah Baumann for coming up the pattern. She did all the hard work of designing it, picking the colors, etc., I just had to follow directions.

So far, we're 28ish hours into WW, so you can see how far we've gotten. Estimate we've done about a third of the boat, most of Link's body and none of the sail/mast. I would say in general, it isn't terribly difficult. I was a little apprehensive at first about the pattern being in black and white, rather than color, but I've had no issues thus far following it. The symbols are all different enough for one another to clearly distinguish what's where. 30 different colors, so there's some variety/shading, though a few of the colors are used very sparingly (several are only double digit stitches out of the 12,000+). As I mentioned, be mindful of spots around the edges, especially of the boat, where you might only have a single stitch or a couple of stitches of a particular color, but that's not a big concern. Just something to watch out for.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

Your stitching always looks so beautiful! Have fun working on WW!
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by blackmageheart »

skater43 wrote:
Tue Dec 13, 2022 9:11 am
So far, we're 28ish hours into WW, so you can see how far we've gotten. Estimate we've done about a third of the boat, most of Link's body and none of the sail/mast. I would say in general, it isn't terribly difficult. I was a little apprehensive at first about the pattern being in black and white, rather than color, but I've had no issues thus far following it. The symbols are all different enough for one another to clearly distinguish what's where. 30 different colors, so there's some variety/shading, though a few of the colors are used very sparingly (several are only double digit stitches out of the 12,000+). As I mentioned, be mindful of spots around the edges, especially of the boat, where you might only have a single stitch or a couple of stitches of a particular color, but that's not a big concern. Just something to watch out for.
Cheers for the detailed reply, that is all super helpful information! I might reproduce the chart in colour in PCStitch, just for pure ease of following the pattern in colours and having the ability to highlight stitches - my eyes occasionally struggle with the black and white charts if they're not small, but that's just a me problem :)
I'm no stranger to large pieces or confetti stitches and to be honest I enjoy the pieces that are in the 10k - 20k range the most, so I guess this one is officially on my 2023 stitch list! <3

skater43 wrote:
Tue Dec 13, 2022 9:11 am
credit to Sarah Baumann for coming up the pattern
absolutely! Sarah is lovely and a great cross stitcher/designer. also she makes the most adorable needle minders!
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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