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skater43 stitches Zelda games

Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Yeah, moms are great. I don't know if it's a requirement to be a mom that you have to be able to sew, or if they can that ability once they have a kid, but sure is handy. Almost went to mine when I was having trouble with the French knots, just to see if she could figure out what I was doing wrong. But then I got a couple of ones, so just ran with it. Part of the problem was I was doing the knots separately, independent of the other stitching. My thinking had been I wanted to get the other stuff out of the way and would just take care of the knots afterwards, didn't want them holding me up. Problem with that was my poor left hand (and since I'm guessing most of us here are right-handed, we know how useless our left hands are) was trying to hold the tail with the middle finger, then using the thumb and index finger to keep tension on part of the thread to make the knot. However, I discovered doing them independently did offer one advantage (discovered this doing a couple in my current area when I didn't do them separately) in that I could pull the tail to tighten things up if my knot didn't end up close to the fabric. On the plus side, I've done 9 of the 10 I need to do for this project, so we're almost done with them. Family friend (another mom :) ) is on my email update list and said French knots are fun once you get the technique down. Yeah, not so sure about that.

Yesterday's work was a little frustrating, just thread/knots not cooperating and had to undo a note as I was off a square, but we're making good progress. Finishing the end of next week will be no problem. Prolly won't post another WIP picture, just wait for the finished thing, but I've got about 8 measures to go maybe. Working on the second line currently and this and the top line have gone faster not having a divided part. Haven't decided how I'm going to finish off the second line since I need to alter the pattern slightly to make the measures even out, but I'm at least a couple of days away from needing to deal with that.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

And we're done! Technically, I finished it up today because I noticed I'd missed a barline when I took it over to Mom's for a picture. Fortunately, I had it in my bag with all my threads and needles and such, so could real quick do those four stitches. But we've got it completed and it is currently in the hands of The Artery to be framed. This has been an interesting project. Glad I did it, the combination of Zelda and music fits me. But stitching the music was frustrating at times. Took more to really get going and in the zone and all that. I mean, the French knots were annoying, but I only had to do 10 of those, so they weren't a huge deal. But getting the note heads in the right spot took quite a bit of focus and there were a few I had to redo because I had them on the wrong line/space (normally, I've got some TV show or movie or music going while I stitch and it's not a big deal. But stitching the music here, I didn't have anything in the background, I needed to really pay attention to what I was doing). Some of them came out better than others, and that was another issue I had with this: going in between the gridlines. Work on the grid, everything is neat and straight and lines up. In between, there's more variables and you don't get things exactly the same. Some one on this board board once expressed concern about little holes in the pattern they were doing and other minute imperfections. Response back was not to worry about it. Things look bad because we're looking at it up close, paying attention to the little details. Someone looking at it at a distance/on the wall/looking at the overall picture isn't going to see those little things. Such is the case here. As I said, some note heads came out better than others, same with the French knots (last one I did, the end of the first line, was prolly my best though), but from a distance, they even out/look like note heads and not misshapen squares. I have an idea for another music project and this gave me an idea of what to expect or how to do things (or do them differently).

Have my next project lined up. Not a Zelda one, so it'll be over in my other thread. But a friend of mine saw a pattern online and said she'd hang it on her wall if I stitched it. Can do. :) Goal is to have it stitched and framed by Christmas, but we'll see. Should be a fun one, though, and that's what this is about. Yeah, LA was a bit more frustrating than previous projects, took a little more to get into at times, but I'm pleased with the final product, gained more experience/learned new things because of it, so overall, enjoyed working on it.
la done 9-29-20 IMG_20200929_122500056.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by blackmageheart »

Lovely work :)

EDIT: I'm going to share this with the person who made the pattern, I'm sure they'd love to see it!
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by RMDC »

Oh. my. goodness.

skater43, thank you so much for choosing my pattern! The final product looks absolutely gorgeous! Seeing this has made my whole year. I'm going to leave a longer comment in response to your post in the pattern thread, because any questions/comments might be helpful to others who might choose the pattern (in another nine years or so, maybe there'll be another? :tri ).

I haven't posted on SS in so many years. Been around to visit here and there, but haven't properly logged back in for a very long time. BMH, thank you for letting me know about this so I didn't miss it!
Mostly hibernating here. Find me on Twitter @rmdcade.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you both. :) Obviously, I did this for me, it's going to be hanging on my wall, but I'm glad m finishing it has brought some joy to you as well, RMDC. Always give credit where I get my patterns, but I could do better at showing the pattern makers the fruits of their labors. Replied in the other thread with my suggestions/changes so you can make it even better. It was a challenge to do at times, but I'm a better person because of it, so I thank you again for taking the time to create the pattern. Hopefully we can get others to stitch as well. Any plans/ideas for other patterns (the opening theme of LoZ or the overworld theme would be other good Zelda/music choices, ones that recur throughout the series)?

In semi-related news, I beat Phantom Hourglass the other night. Still a few odds and ends to find, but we got all the main stuff and beat the final boss. So this makes number 13 in the Zelda series of games I've beaten. Which means I'll need to find a pattern to stitch for it as well. Got my current Godzilla picture, then an AGDQ2021 prize, then plan to do a combo Oracle of Ages/Seasons picture, so the next few months are planned/occupied, so I've got some time to look for a pattern, but it's on the to-do list. Next couple of days, I also plan on firing up Spirit Tracks, which I've played a little of, but never beaten, so at some point, we'll need a pattern for that as well. Other games in the series I've beaten/not stitched yet (Twilight Princess, Minish Cap and Wind Waker) I have patterns for, so can do those at any time once the Oracles are done.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

It looks beautiful! Congrats!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Had to work a little harder on it, but I'm happy with the final result. And looking forward to see what the final framed project will look like.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by matthewbeetle »

That looks amazing! Can't wait to see what it looks like framed! I only ever had the original gameboy and so I've never seen the instruments in color!

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) The added color dungeon was kinda hokie, but overall, the game does look nicer in color.

Just picked this up from the framers. As always, pleased with the work The Artery (shameless plug: ) does. Green matte isn't as bright or flashy as other colors I've used in the past, but it matches some of the green in the picture and it works. As I said, up close, you can see the little gaps and slight imperfections in the music and such, but hanging on my wall/people just looking at it, it looks good. Obviously, wall space is beginning to be a concern hanging these, but fortunately, this one is just short enough to fit above my window, so plenty of space for it.
la framed IMG_20201021_124111983.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

It looks beautiful!!!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

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