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skater43 stitches Zelda games

Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Picked up my FSA picture. Much smaller than AoL, so we've got options where to hang it. As you can see, they did something a little different with the yellow thread (the same yellow thread I used to stitch the pattern), but I think it looks pretty good. ALttP is on hold for now while I stitch the Donkey Kong project, and I guess I could have taken a picture of that, too, just to show the current progress, but that's all right. Have parts of maybe a third of the items and bits of a few borders, so progress has been made, but it looks pretty empty and odd at the moment. But, June, July, whenever we get back to it, we'll get a picture up. In the meantime, pleased with how FSA turned out and looking forward to adding it to the collection on the wall.
fsa framed IMG_20200302_100255506_HDR.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Soychai »

Omg!!! I love that!!! Great job!!!

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) I'm always amazed at the work the framers do to finalize these, and they always gush over the picture itself. Got some nice bright colors in there that really stand out with the darker frame and the yellow border really adds to things as well. And doing these always makes me want to play the games again, I've just got some many other games going at a time it's hard to squeeze stuff in. FSA is definitely a different Zelda game and not terribly difficult, but it's a fun one.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

Wow!!! Love the framing job!
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Since the boards went down, in addition to my couple of non-Zelda projects I was able to finish (see other thread), I also completed another Zelda one. Have a nice shot here of the inventory screen, near the end of ALttP. Credit to Choco Coco Stitch for the pattern ... e_30&pro=1 This one was interesting to work on because part of it was the humdrum straight lines of the boxes, while a lot of it was the various pieces of equipment and stuff inside the boxes. I started at one corner with a box and quickly realized it would be hard to keep track of where I was/how many stitches I'd done. So I ended up doing some of the sides of the boxes to get me a starting point, then would drop into the boxes to do some of those items, at least in part, and use those to gauge where my other box borders would be. Only one minor mishap in I was coming on one side of a box from top and bottom and was off by one stitch, but I only had to undo about 15 or so stitches to get them lined up, so not a huge deal. Only 9 colors, but I really like what was chosen. I was a little hesitant about the blue, thinking in the color it was a bit more subdued, but I think the brightness really stands out next to the black background. ALttP is prolly my favorite Zelda game, so happy to have it represented on my wall (soon. Framers are still working on it).

So, with one project done, we turn our eyes to the next one. Planning on Link's Awakening, using a pattern from these very boards viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4496&p=35324&hilit= ... ish#p35324 I don't know how to backstitch or French knot, so I'm excited to learn how to do those for this project and expand my stitching knowledge. My sister sent me a guide of various stitches and I plan to hop on YouTube or see what other resources I can find. Plan to spend at least a couple of days learning and practicing these new techniques before jumping into the project for real. Have a music background so this is a great project for me personally, combining my love of Zelda with my love of music. Honestly, the handheld Zelda games don't get as much play from me as the home console ones, but I do enjoy them and LA is the handheld Zelda I've played the most/prolly my favorite of those. So looking forward to getting this started this weekend, or least learning some new techniques and we'll see how things go.

In related news and speaking of handheld Zeldas, I've been playing a bit of Phantom Hourglass lately. Never beaten it and in fact, have now gotten further than I had previously, so I'm excited about exploring new stuff. No idea when I'll beat it, but certainly before I finish stitching my other 6 Zelda games, so I'll need to snag a pattern for it as well. Haven't really looked yet as I've got patterns for my other games (LA, the two Oracles, Twilight Princess, Wind Waker and Minish Cap), so plenty to stitch in the coming months, but I'll keep an eye out, do a little poking around, see what I can come up with.
alttp done 6-25-20 IMG_20200625_115405871.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

You've been super all looks great!!! And yay for getting further in Phantom Hourglass!!!
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Now collected two of the three pure metals and have just started the third one's dungeon in PH, so we're making good progress on that. Missing 5 heart containers, one of which will be in this dungeon, so we'll have to do some scouring still (and I don't know how many more other dungeons there still are, though I gather maybe only the final one), but we'll finish this dungeon first.

Meanwhile, we're underway with stitching LA. Not much done yet, but we've started (and I just realized I meant to finish Marin before moving the hoop. Oops. But I'll be back that way to do the title/border, so we'll finish her then). Like ALttP, the plan is get the border done first, but we're using the objects within to help figure out where we are on the border. And like MM, the plan is to finish each character/object while the hoop is in place, rather than just doing outlines and coloring them in later or doing all of one color thread before switching to the next or something. Minor mishap already in that I missed a stitch on the instrument, so had to undo about 15-20 stitches to correct that, but while that cost me about a half day's time, not a huge deal. Once I get my borders set, then we'll prolly start tackling the music. Seems I've been doing backstitching or a variation thereof when stitching my signature on these projects, so I don't think those stitches are going to be that big a deal. Prolly will want to see about getting a smaller needle from Mom, though, since some of the stitches are halfway between holes. In my practicing, I found coming from the top to make a hole, then pushing up from the bottom to do the actual stitch worked quite well for the halfway stitches, rather than trying to poke and guess my way from underneath. My French knots still need some work/practice, but those are finishing touch stitches if you will, so I can do most of the project first or at least worry about them down the line. Only things I'm unsure on are the heads of the quarter notes/eighth notes, but once we start stitching the music, we'll have a better idea of scale and how things are looking and such. Meantime, lots of simple/normal stuff to do around the edges.
la wip 7-26-20 IMG_20200726_104823640.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

Can't wait to see how your LA pattern progresses...LA is my hands down fav LoZ game!
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Hrontajkpa »

I like the inventory pattern! It's something everyone who has played the game would probably recognize, but it's definitely a conversation starter for those who haven't (e.g. "what the heck is that!?) haha

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Yeah, the idea behind these patterns is something distinct/key to each game. Non-fans may not recognize the items/picture, but those in the know will easily be able to tell which game of the series is being represented.

Making progress on LA and I'll see about getting a pic up this week. I've finished the left side border as well as all the objects down that side. Missed a stitch on one of them, so had to undo/redo a good 25+ stitches, so that cost me a day's work, but I want these to be right, so it was worth redoing. No other issues, though. Started doing the title today and will likely be done with that/the top border this week. Have to see where my hoop currently is in relation to the start of the sheet music as I may start doing some of that backstitching, just to start work on that. Still a few weeks from finishing, but things are looking good/moving along.

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