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blunt melee weapon's random stitches

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blunt melee weapon
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blunt melee weapon's random stitches

Post by blunt melee weapon »

Last semester I started taking small stitches to school with me to work on between classes. I got a surprising amount done, and quite a few glares.
First up is the bust of a jackalope. Last easter my mom got me a cross stitch book and it came with the materials for this. Finally finished it.
Jackalope bust.jpg
Jackalope bust.jpg (58.21 KiB) Viewed 19305 times
The linen it is stitched on is so soft and it is nice and thick. Unfortunately the book didn't say what type it was so I can't find more. :cry:

Next is something I made to go with the It's LOG! cross stitch I made for my sister. I haven't framed it for her yet. I'll post another picture when it gets hung up in her bathroom with LOG!
From BLAMMO!.jpg
From BLAMMO!.jpg (100.03 KiB) Viewed 19305 times
Last up is the Hogwarts crest I recently started (May 22?). I got invited to a surprise party, it's Harry Potter themed. There will be quidditch (bring your own broom) I thought this would make a great birthday present. The party is in August so I am focusing on getting this done right now. rather than the walking dead city and the Lutefisk stitch I'm making for my uncle.
DONT TELL 6-16.jpg
DONT TELL 6-16.jpg (77.9 KiB) Viewed 19305 times
The hoop it is in is really crappy so the fabric is wavy and making all the lines look crooked.....

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Re: blunt melee weapon's random stitches

Post by Firehawke »

These look fun! Good luck getting it finished for the party...what a fun gift idea!
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blunt melee weapon
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Re: blunt melee weapon's random stitches

Post by blunt melee weapon »

I'm back with some updates. I'm going to try to post progress weekly instead of randomly.....
Hogwarts pins.jpg
Hogwarts pins.jpg (51.61 KiB) Viewed 19211 times
I took some time off of the Hogwarts crest to make these pins for my sister's birthday. I actually finished them on time! I used the colors from the Hogwarts crest, I'm happy with them for the most part. The blue could be a little lighter. I can try to find the patterns if anybody wants them.
Other pins.jpg
Other pins.jpg (161.09 KiB) Viewed 19211 times
I had extra button things to make more pins so I decided to finally finish some I had made last April when I started stitching. These are the first things I ever stitched. The patterns are from the storyland cross stitch book.
DONT TELL 7-15.jpg
DONT TELL 7-15.jpg (160.16 KiB) Viewed 19211 times
This picture was taken on a curved surface so the lines look crooked. I've made good progress, but the party is on the 2nd so I don't have much time left. I'm starting to worry I won't get it done on time.

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Re: blunt melee weapon's random stitches

Post by Firehawke »

Love the pins!

Good luck getting it done! You're so close!
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Re: blunt melee weapon's random stitches

Post by SunkistShiek »

Can you tell me how you made those? I would love to make some of my own! :D
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blunt melee weapon
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Re: blunt melee weapon's random stitches

Post by blunt melee weapon »

I will try to explain the pin making process as best I can. I will try to get a picture tutorial up as soon as I can.
I found the patterns for the Hogwarts houses from ... hem-i.html
I eyeballed the Hogwarts school crest one.
I got the patterns for the others from the storyland cross stitch book.
I bought some fabric buttons to cover from michael's. They are also called craft cover buttons. If you want them to be pins you have to get ones with flat backs. All of the ones I have seen come with shank backs for buttons and flat backs in the same pack.
I then followed the instructions from the buttons I got, except I glued bar pins on the back.
I only wish I had a button maker, It would have been so much easier.

blunt melee weapon
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Re: blunt melee weapon's random stitches

Post by blunt melee weapon »

I have a better-ish tutorial type thing with pictures. I may have forgotten to take pictures for half the steps or so, because I'm forgetful.
Pin tut 1.jpg
Pin tut 1.jpg (82.23 KiB) Viewed 19081 times
1. fabric cover buttons, 1shank back or flat back, for a pin you want the flat. the clear template. The rubbery clearish thing, and the blue pusher.

2. scissors, floss, fabric, and needle, fabric marking pen or pencil. The frixion pens are amazing!
3. pattern, glue I used E6000 but, I imagine superglue would work, and bar pins
pin tut 2.jpg
pin tut 2.jpg (64.92 KiB) Viewed 19081 times

Place the template on the fabric where you want on the fabric and trace around the inside and outside with the pen/pencil.
pin tut 3.jpg
pin tut 3.jpg (53.83 KiB) Viewed 19081 times
stitch, it is okay if it is slightly off center. this can be fixed later. Then you want to cut following the larger circle and iron or wash away the pen/pencil lines.
i forgot to take more photos.jpg
i forgot to take more photos.jpg (76.96 KiB) Viewed 19079 times
Take the rubbery clearish thing, the stitching and the front metal part of the button. Center the fabric on that and push it in the clearish thing.I did this several times and it still ended up crooked. Then take the flat backand push it into the back side of the pin (still in the rubbery thing) with the blue pusher. Make sure the fabric is tucked all the way in. then glue on a bar pin
pin tut.jpg
pin tut.jpg (57.7 KiB) Viewed 19079 times

blunt melee weapon
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Re: blunt melee weapon's random stitches

Post by blunt melee weapon »

I have finished the Hogwarts crest! I was done stitching on Tuesday and I finished framing yesterday. The party is tomorrow and I am excited for it! I'll post pictures of the homemade quidditch equipment and any cool harry potter crafts I see.
DONT TELL framed.jpg
DONT TELL framed.jpg (88.37 KiB) Viewed 19078 times
Here it is framed. My mom bought the frame, so the birthday present is really from both of us.
This made me realize how much I hate lacing cross stitches. The thread would not cooperate, it kept tangling and running out just before reaching the other side :banghead: .
DONT TELL better light.jpg
DONT TELL better light.jpg (95.35 KiB) Viewed 19078 times
Here is a better picture lighting wise.
pin tut last.jpg
pin tut last.jpg (78.61 KiB) Viewed 19078 times
Here is a picture of the front of the buttons in the not so great tutorial type thing. the Gryffindor one with metallic floss blended in (NEVER AGAIN) is for the person who invited me to the party. The Slytherin one is for my friend Brittany who is coming with me, I was going to blend silver floss in with the gray but, I forgot to buy some... After the experiences with the gold I'm kind of glad I did.

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Re: blunt melee weapon's random stitches

Post by Firehawke »

Congrats on getting it finished! It looks great!!!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

blunt melee weapon
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Re: blunt melee weapon's random stitches

Post by blunt melee weapon »

Thank you! I was so worried that it wouldn't get done in time! I was working around 8 hours a day those last few weeks to finish it! Forrest, whose birthday it was loved it, his family wants to hang it up where they can see it too, but he dragged it off to his room. Quidditch is a lot more work than I thought, I only lasted two games. Gryffindor won every match. I will have my mom send me the photos she took, and I will make sure to upload some.

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