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Using KG Chart and Making Patterns

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Re: Using KG Chart and Making Patterns

Post by soulknight23 »

shanoa wrote:Another little quirk of this program is that when you are looking at your chart information it states the size in cm as double what it actually is. Gave myself a bit of a shock before I realized that while working on a large chart. :shock:
I'm working on a pattern right now and when I preview the chart information it seems to be double what it should be. I'm using the newest version and it still seems to be doing this. I followed the guides and did all the math to make sure that my pattern was the right sized. Anyone else having this issue?

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Re: Using KG Chart and Making Patterns

Post by blackmageheart »

soulknight23 wrote:
shanoa wrote:Another little quirk of this program is that when you are looking at your chart information it states the size in cm as double what it actually is. Gave myself a bit of a shock before I realized that while working on a large chart. :shock:
I'm working on a pattern right now and when I preview the chart information it seems to be double what it should be. I'm using the newest version and it still seems to be doing this. I followed the guides and did all the math to make sure that my pattern was the right sized. Anyone else having this issue?
Go to Chart > Information and change the "Linen Th./One Stitch" to 1, if your cloth is set to Aida. This should give more appropriate dimensions for your pattern!
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Using KG Chart and Making Patterns

Post by soulknight23 »

Thanks for your help! :good: I'm curious though, isn't cross stitch usually done with 2 threads of floss at a time? It seems a little strange that program would think that since one is using 2 threads that the picture would be double the size.

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Re: Using KG Chart and Making Patterns

Post by rosey175 »

soulknight23 wrote:Thanks for your help! :good: I'm curious though, isn't cross stitch usually done with 2 threads of floss at a time? It seems a little strange that program would think that since one is using 2 threads that the picture would be double the size.
I believe the program is thinking one is stitching over two -linen- threads (not the same as floss stands). In other words, stitching over two squares on the fabric, like this. This is often the case in higher count fabrics.

Also, one can use as many strands of floss they desire~ :D Some people don't like fabric showing through their stitches so they may up the amount of strands used.

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Re: Using KG Chart and Making Patterns

Post by blackmageheart »

rosey175 wrote:I believe the program is thinking one is stitching over two -linen- threads (not the same as floss stands). In other words, stitching over two squares on the fabric, like this. This is often the case in higher count fabrics.
Exactly this. It's the threads you stitch over, as rosey says. For some reason, the program's default is two, when it should really be one for aida and perhaps two for linen.
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Using KG Chart and Making Patterns

Post by dark_king999 »

blackmageheart wrote:
soulknight23 wrote:
shanoa wrote:Another little quirk of this program is that when you are looking at your chart information it states the size in cm as double what it actually is. Gave myself a bit of a shock before I realized that while working on a large chart. :shock:
I'm working on a pattern right now and when I preview the chart information it seems to be double what it should be. I'm using the newest version and it still seems to be doing this. I followed the guides and did all the math to make sure that my pattern was the right sized. Anyone else having this issue?
Go to Chart > Information and change the "Linen Th./One Stitch" to 1, if your cloth is set to Aida. This should give more appropriate dimensions for your pattern!
I was having this issue, and just that one little number cleared it all up for me! This program is really nifty, and it's fun tweaking it. I even taught my mother how to use it, and she's really excited to start making her own patterns now. Thanks a lot for this fix and thanks much for the entire guide about it!

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Re: Using KG Chart and Making Patterns

Post by kasura_iome »

Okay, I'm not sure if you talked about this yet or not, but how do you move backstitching?
I'm currently working on a pattern, and it has backstitching in it, and I need to move it, but I can't figure it out. I've tried using the regional tool, but it doesn't work... and I can't even erase the backstitching and just do oit all over.
Please help! I'm getting so frustrated :banghead:
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Re: Using KG Chart and Making Patterns

Post by RMDC »

Under the Other Stitch tab above your work, select the icon showing an arrow in a dotted-line box (Selection of Back Stitch). You can then click on an individual line of backspacing, or drag-select any number of stitches. Individual stitches will have knobs for extending, retracting, or moving endpoints. It's very picky when trying to select individual stitches, as well as being ornery about not showing the "move this" mouse pointer.
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Re: Using KG Chart and Making Patterns

Post by Servotron »

kasura_iome wrote:Okay, I'm not sure if you talked about this yet or not, but how do you move backstitching?
I'm currently working on a pattern, and it has backstitching in it, and I need to move it, but I can't figure it out. I've tried using the regional tool, but it doesn't work... and I can't even erase the backstitching and just do oit all over.
Please help! I'm getting so frustrated :banghead:
Look along the top of the pattern and there just be a tab that says Other Stitch. Click this and on the left hand side should be some buttons. The top left one lets you select a section of back stitch.
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Re: Using KG Chart and Making Patterns

Post by kasura_iome »

Nevermind! I figured it out.
If anyone else is having problems, you have to go to other stitch -> Selection of backstitch (first tool on the left) and then you section the stitching you want to move and just move it!
Right in front of my face too... :club:
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