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Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
Rank 2 - Fire Mario
Rank 2 - Fire Mario
Posts: 35
Joined: Mon Dec 30, 2019 12:03 am


Post by Soychai »

Wow! Yours is really coming together! I just filling in some blue on my project and I can’t even look at the color anymore. Yours looks more tedious. But still looking great!

Rank 6 - Tanooki Mario
Rank 6 - Tanooki Mario
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Post by skater43 »

There was a reason I did all the bricks first: just to get them out of the way. By far, that's where the bulk of the time went on this one. Lines at the bottom were really the only tedious part in that it was just mindless stitching without having to worry about getting out of sync or anything. Pink bricks were pretty simple, too, though I did have to keep track of keeping them the right size and starting the next row staggered. The red bricks on the side, while not exciting, were something I really had to keep track of where I was, where in the pattern I was, the column I was on, etc. If you look at the attached, you'll see some green dots that I was using to mark where I was. After I got through all the bricks, then I got to do the text, windows, characters, some of the more interesting stuff, but I wanted to get the less exciting stuff done and out of the way first. Over the course of doing this, I did take a couple of couple of week breaks to do other projects, so that likely helped keep my sanity as well. :)
zelda2aol-33 wip.png
zelda2aol-33 wip.png (6.33 KiB) Viewed 17138 times

Rank 2 - Fire Mario
Rank 2 - Fire Mario
Posts: 35
Joined: Mon Dec 30, 2019 12:03 am


Post by Soychai »

:zelda That is so awesome though! I can’t wait to see your progress

Rank 6 - Tanooki Mario
Rank 6 - Tanooki Mario
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Post by skater43 »

Look back a few posts: we're done. :) Really like how it came out and yes, I found a spot on the wall for it, close to my SMB picture. And actually, there's enough of a gap in between, and over some other stuff to fit my FSA pic, so I think that's where I'm going to hang that one.

Rank 2 - Fire Mario
Rank 2 - Fire Mario
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Joined: Mon Dec 30, 2019 12:03 am


Post by Soychai »

Holy cow! How did I miss that?? Either way though, that’s truly amazing!! Great job! I think you did a spot on job with picking out the colors.

Rank 6 - Tanooki Mario
Rank 6 - Tanooki Mario
Posts: 267
Joined: Tue Dec 12, 2017 4:34 pm


Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Yeah, I'm pleased with the colors I chose, too. Frankly, it's nice having a pattern to follow because they've already chosen the colors, but this allows for more creativity and all that. Some were threads Mom happened to have, so I don't have numbers for everything I chose. But for DK and some of my other upcoming non-pattern projects, I should be able to list all the numbers I use should anyone else want to stitch any of these.

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