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Stain removal assistance Star Trek uniform

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 5:23 pm
by Remy
So it is getting close to Halloween and I decided to pull out my original series Star Trek Uhura style uniform to check on it and get it ready. And there is a black ink stain on it. How it got there I don't know as I baby it and don't just cram it in a random drawer. I made it 20-ish years ago and am a bit concerned with using anything harsh to try to dislodge the stain and possibly damage the fabric. I really don't want to retire it as it is a favorite. Any ideas would be appreciated. Fabric is old red cotton jersey knit. :banghead:

Re: Stain removal assistance Star Trek uniform

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 6:30 pm
by starrley
I would love to see a photo of your uniform. It sounds awesome! I'm sorry about the stain, but don't panic. Do you have any OxyClean? I totally swear by that stuff. It's gentle but very effective. A tube of lip gloss made it's way into my dryer, and got oily red lip gloss on a bunch of dress shirts! OxyClean spray and gentle scrubbing with an old toothbrush got it out of pretty much everything.

Re: Stain removal assistance Star Trek uniform

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 6:38 pm
by Remy
Terrible pic and I have no where to hang it from atm but you get the idea. I don't have any oxyclean on hand but I will give it a try in the next day or so as soon as I can get hubby to run to store for me. Yeah it doesn't look too good laying flat...

Re: Stain removal assistance Star Trek uniform

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:07 am
by Eliste
Its red, be careful! I'm not familiar with OxyClean, but a lot of cleaners these days are disguising their bleach content by saying things like "highlighting agents" within the ingredient list. Red is particularly susceptible to bleach and bleach-derived chemicals, so be super careful or you'll end up with a slightly pinky patch.

I'd highly recommend testing a section of the inside hem to be sure its not going to affect it. (and not just the pre-treat, rinse and check test either. Actually scrub it too)

Re: Stain removal assistance Star Trek uniform

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:01 am
by Remy
I'm pretty sad to say this but this uniform will be retired after this Halloween. The ink stain isn't budging and the fabric is so old it's just deteriorating when I try. Luckily it's in a spot that will be covered by my long hair but I think it'll be best to try to let it go before I do major damage to it. I'm not happy about this but it is what it is and it had a good run. Thank you Starrley and Eliste for your assistance. I'll be thinking of you both when I get around to making another uniform after grieving for this one.

Re: Stain removal assistance Star Trek uniform

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 3:27 pm
by starrley
Aw, I'm so sorry to hear that! :(