skater43 stitches Zelda games

Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

It is. :) Day after day, I don't see much change, but that's why I'm taking pics every few weeks, so the growth and change is more evident. One stitch at a time, we're getting there. Did catch another mistake where the hoop was in the above picture and while I don't think I can fix it, I can make do and roll with it. But we'll have to come back to that down the road. Meantime, we've moved the hoop up to the next section and are stitching away. At least another couple of weeks to fill this hoop, but there's a lot of black of the wolf here, too, so that'll move things along.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Here we go, another three weeks and making some more progress. This week has been a little slow as I was spending a lot of time working on the wolf's eye (left side of the hoop about the middle) and that was a lot of color changing and only a few, or even just one, stitch for each color. But we have that done now, have something definite to look at/identify, have a large portion of the wolf done so can see the picture beginning to take shape. Obviously a long way to go, but one stitch at a time, we're getting there. Figure another week+ to finish this hoop (still a fair amount of black to do and that goes rather quickly), then we'll move things up again and get more of the background/filler stuff. Middle/end of March we'll finish this column? That's kinda where I'm looking currently. At that point, we'll prolly pause for whatever I decide to do for this summer's GDQ, then end of Aprilish jump back to this and just keep plugging away.
twilight princess WIP 1-16-22 IMG_20220116_093620545.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

That eye!!!
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

I know! :) That came out really well (credit to Sarah Baumann for making the pattern). And this was definitely a "can't see the forest for the trees" thing. Working on it, I was focused on all the different colors and the fact that there were only a few stitches, or maybe just one, of each color, so lot of time switching threads. You can see it's right on the edge of the hoop and is also right on the edge of a couple of pages, so a lot of care was taken to make sure I had things in the right spot and such. So I had no idea what part of the wolf I was working on or anything until finishing and looking at the overall picture.

Have since filled in most of the rest of the hoop. Do today's stitching and then more than likely, we'll be moving the hoop up to do the next section. More than likely, we'll have to move the hoop up twice to get everything in this column, but we're moving along. Won't have huge blocks of black to do, so things will be a little slower than they have been, so we're likely looking at the end of March, maybe sneaking into April to finish this column. Which should work out for pausing for our SGDQ prize. Came up with a couple of ideas the other day. One is a little smaller/I think will be easier to do, so I'm leaning towards that one for this year (less time doing other projects is more time doing Twilight Princess), but we'll see.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Progress is being made. Excited about where we are because as you can see, we're at the top of the picture. So we finish this hoop and we've finished our second column. As an aside, choosing to go up and down the picture, rather than right and left, or going around the edge then filling in the middle is proving to be the smart move and easier move. I can easily scroll through the pages up and down keeping the cursor in place to keep track of where I am, rather than trying to go up and down the pages, but shifting left and right in the picture. Some right and left movement still, but this is much easier. So two columns about done, I'm figuring 5 total, though it'll prolly be closer to 4 1/2, which we can't actually do, so round up to 5. But, I included the pen cap not only for scale, but also as a reference point. The left side of the pen cap is just about the middle of the picture, both left to right and up and down. So you can see we've actually stitched part of the right half of the picture, though not much. So I put us at roughly 40-45% done overall. If my calculations are right, I've been working on this for about 21 weeks. Some of that was all the black in the wolf, so the second half won't go as quickly, but we can ballpark things, say another 28 weeks of stitching, which is 7 months. Do have my SGDQ prize to do here in April, so that will delay this, but end of September maybe we finish this? Be faster than some of my other guesses, but we'll see. Expect the current hoop to take prolly another two weeks or so to do. Move the hoop to the right for the next one, figure end of March or so to finish that. Pause for SGDQ, then rest of summer and on is finishing this. Lot of work here, but still enjoying it and things are moving along, one stitch at a time (for those wondering, the whole picture is 136 stitches by 200, so all told, I'll be doing 27,200 stitches, not counting the stuff I've had to undo/redo and such).
twilight princess WIP 2-6-22 IMG_20220206_093052757.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

It's looking watching it grow! Happy stitching...and good luck with stitchy predictions!
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Little by little we're getting there. But it is nice to see the wolf taking shape and definitive things to look at rather than just a collection of colors.

Roughly speaking, we're halfway done. Open part of the hoop up top on the left is about at the halfway point going across. You can see we've got some work to do to the left of that point where the hoop is now, but down below, we've gone further to the right, so I think we balance out to about halfway. 24 weeks, 6 months in, still figuring 7ish months left. However, this looks to be a fairly quick hoop. Seeing quite a bit of chunks of colors so far, and the lower half of this hoop will be a lot of black to finish off the wolf. Less we change colors, the faster/easier things go. As you can see, we've basically got the wolf down with ears, mouth, eye, etc., just some of the neck and such to go with the transition to Link. Lower right part of this hoop we might be able to pick up Link's ear, but we'll mostly be doing him when we hit column 4. But excited to start column 3, keep moving things along.

So plan is to work on this another 3 weeks, then jump into our SGDQ prize. Had a couple of ideas on what to do and decided to go with the attached picture from Contra. My other idea was from Castlevania 3 and I have some ideas for expanding that, so we'll save that for next year and have time to plan things, elaborate on what we have, get a working pattern, etc. But I think we've got a good picture here for this year. Checked my colors and ran up to Michael's on Thursday to get the one I didn't have (actually got a couple, just to have options once we start stitching). Found the right color for the cloth, too, online. That should get here Tuesday. But figured to get my ducks in a row now so I have everything ready to go in case there was a delay in shipping or anything. Fabric color only comes in 14 count unfortunately (was hoping for 16 or 18), so it'll be a little bigger than expected, but not too unwieldy (5"x11" roughly). I do Twilight Princess until March 19, figure that'll give me 6 weeks until the end of April to stitch it. Which should be more than enough time. That will then give The Artery all of May to frame it so it'll be ready for SGDQ 2022 the first week or so of June. Obviously, I finish earlier, I get it turned in for framing earlier, so much the better. 68x152 stitches, so roughly the same size as Mega Man was this year, just turned 90 degrees. I won't have to stitch all the blue of the floor/background for the text, so that'll save time, though I will have to do the patch of black up top. But at least that is mostly all together and will just be long rows, so fairly easy. So that's where we are and what's in the works.
twilight princess wip 2-27-22 IMG_20220227_111441540.jpg
sgdq contra 3.png
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

You've been busy! That wolf! And always fun to see what your stitchy plans are...have fun!
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Think I did a lot there, wait until you see this hoop mostly done in a couple of weeks. :) Don't think I'll quite finish it before jumping into Contra, but we'll definitely get a lot done. The bottom third is all black other than a bit of Link's ear, so that will go rather quickly. And a lot of the top 2/3 is blocks of color, so I've gotten a significant portion done this past week. Have two or three stitches to do on the page that covers the left part of the hoop, so we're just about done with that and won't have to worry about changing pages the next two weeks. I haven't kept track of how many pages I've done completely, but I suspect it's around 6 or 7 (of 16, though the pages along the bottom and right edge are only partial, due to how the pattern broke down), with a couple more mostly done. This column will be basically finishing off the wolf and beginning the transition to Link (as I said, we'll be doing a little bit of his ear this hoop). I think Link will have a lot more color changing and fewer big patches than the wolf, which is why I think the right half of the pattern will take longer than the left half has, but we'll see.

Yeah, looking forward to doing the Contra picture and seeing how that goes. And I think it's something the GDQ community will appreciate.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

So here's where we're pausing on this for a few weeks. Very productive past three weeks as I was able to complete the hoop and actually moved in on Friday so I got about an hour and a half in of cleaning up some loose colors on Link's ear (upper middle part of the hoop, right in the gap in it) before we put this on hold (told you I'd be getting a lot done this time around :) ). And having all my threads labelled, I'll easily be able to tell where I am, what colors I'm doing, etc. when we resume. Day to day, it's not a problem keeping track of where I am, but I expect we'll be taking 5-6 weeks off from this, so that's a little different. But we're plugging right along. I expect this column to go rather quickly overall as I think a lot of it will be the black of the right side of the wolf. Don't know about a hoop every three weeks, but fairly quickly.

So, we'll hop over to my other thread where we'll pick up my progress on Contra/my SGDQ 2022 prize submission.
twilight princess WIP 3-20-22 IMG_20220320_094657540.jpg

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