Pyper's Projects

Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
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Re: Pyper's Projects

Post by TigerLily »

Only just saw this thread and I have a few things running through my brain.

1. I looooove your baneling. I have been wanting to crochet my own Kerrigan (both ghost and queen versions) for so long now, but so many other projects pile up first before I can get around to her. I even have a barely finished drawing of her and Jim that I started over a year ago and had to put aside like so many others.
2. I am a granny square nut and I am so glad someone else stores them the same way I do when making loads of them. hehe
3. Your Pokemon are so cute. The Star Wars mash-up and the colour swaps are adorable!

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Re: Pyper's Projects

Post by Pyper »

Thanks everyone :) I really like amigurumi, though I am still very much a beginner at it. You can tell by the way everything I design at the moment is a ball with bits on it :P The pokemon colour swap and star wars mashup were a lot of fun to make, though it took me a while to come up with the idea for the latter, and even longer to find enough shades of dark grey (has DMC+Anchor)

Last Christmas (the one over a year ago) my mother developed a srange and sudden obsession with bunting. There had been no mention of it at all until an offhand trip to Lincraft resulted in exposure to the idea. Once it took hold however there had to be bunting for christmas. This was the day before christmas eve. So I spent the morning of christmas eve cutting triangles out of cheap red and green fabric with pinking shears to dodge the need for hemming, while mum broke out the sewing machine to attach them to a long strip of binding she was busy making on the go. They looked ok but clearly made in a rush.

Fast forward to december last year. While thinking of presents for mum I recalled the bunting incident and decided she should have at least a short proper set and so I went into production mode. With my faithful crochet hook and acrylic yarn, and more optimism than time, I started production. Using red, white, yellow and green I made her 24 triangles, which I blocked to remove some of the curl and threaded on a 6m ribbon. I finished about a day before she came to visit. She loved it :) It now lives around the base of the stairs at her house, and may well stay there all year round (kittens permitting). The pattern is pretty simple, and I will put it up on my blog (or here if wanted) at some point soon.
Bunting.jpg (98.38 KiB) Viewed 19918 times
For the last month I have been trying to finish off my Magicka stitching. I have been taking it to work every day, and had to repattern one or two patches when I didn't have the right colours, but I think it may finally be done :) Now I can put it at the bottom of a to-clean-up-and-frame pile for six months while I decide if I want to add any backstitch to it. Tbh I am quite gald it is done. At the start I loved working on it, but about halfway through I decided I didn't like some of my colour selections, and working on it became a chore. Now finally it is done and I can put the colours back in my stash for other projects :). I think there is an old version of the pattern floating around the boards for this, but I haven't fixed up the final pattern (with better colour choices) yet.
Magicka.jpg (196.36 KiB) Viewed 19918 times
WIPS: Dwarf Fortress blanket, sailing ship stitch, shiny pokemon, moth bags

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Re: Pyper's Projects

Post by HornyPig »

the Magicka stitching is really lovely!! The colors are looking great!
and i rly like the way the blue guy is using his sword haha :tease:

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Re: Pyper's Projects

Post by QueenBex »

awesome stuff!
The magicka stitch is fantastically done!

I do like bunting too, so easy and enjoyable to make! Nice idea with the crochet bunting, looks good!
"much better to have a bottom that naturally flattens out than one that goes every which way when it's sitting on a surface" -RMDC

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Re: Pyper's Projects

Post by Firehawke »

I love the idea of crocheted bunting!!!
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Re: Pyper's Projects

Post by lcockitt »

The Magicka stitching is amazing! I love the colours you've used, and personally I'd leave it as it is without the backstitching. :D
Currently attempting: Epic Pokemon Cross Stitch Gen I, M'aiq the Liar
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Re: Pyper's Projects

Post by Pyper »

Thanks for all the feedback on Magicka, the longer I leave it the happier I am with it :P

As I am juggling work experience, uni courses and an honours project that conspire to occupy my every waking hour, I (naturally) started two of the larger projects I want to do, as well as my current lecture/lunch break project. The navy canvas will be a bunch of fire pokemon from gen one/fire red, the big white/cream canvas is an Olde World Map kit, and in the middle is Mr Drippy who is my lecture/lunch project at the moment. Bonus is the squirtle bookmark I whipped up the other day and still need to back.
WIPS March 2014.JPG
WIPS March 2014.JPG (323.43 KiB) Viewed 19793 times
WIPS: Dwarf Fortress blanket, sailing ship stitch, shiny pokemon, moth bags

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Re: Pyper's Projects

Post by Kareesh »

I can't wait to see what the Olde World Map looks like. From the tiny bit of the pattern I can see, it looks pretty cool. :)
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June List
- Finish Little Nemo square
- Frame Weather Graph
- Sprite Stitch SAL
- Finish Grandmother's sign

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Re: Pyper's Projects

Post by carand88 »

i stitched this one up back in high school, and the finished piece looks fantastic!! i'm glad to see someone else stitching this.

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Re: Pyper's Projects

Post by Pyper »

Did you use 2 strands or 3 for it? The kit says 2 strands on 14 count, which looks really thin to me.
WIPS: Dwarf Fortress blanket, sailing ship stitch, shiny pokemon, moth bags

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