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Ghost House bag

Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
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Rank 1 - Big Mario
Rank 1 - Big Mario
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Ghost House bag

Post by MistWraith »

This bag was quite the learning experiance.


The base is crocheted yarn.


The lining is felt sewn onto the yarn with more yarn. It has velcro to hold the inside pouch sht.


The Ghost on the outside is yarn done with a slanted gobelin stitch on plastic mesh on a pixel by pixel basis. I whip stitched black around the outside of the plastic edge for a more finished look


The outer flap lifts up to expose the innner and outer pocket.


The Moon (3up!) is cross stitched yarn on plastic backing with whip stitched edgeing.

The outer pouch is sized to hold a PSP, DS, DS Light, I-phone, Crackberry or digital camera. The inside could hold the contents of a purse, a couple of good paperbacks, 1 good sized hardback, or some dvds. It has hoops to put a strap on it or you could put a belt through it and wair it around your waist.

What the wife and I learned: It's hard to get a good finished edge with felt. No matter how hard you try some yarn ends will fray and always at the most visible/annoying point. Iron on velcro will attach to felt, but not at all to yarn.
I can't even begin to tell you how long this took. We had to pull it apart so many times becuase things weren't lining up right. We're working on a few more models for selling purposes, but this prototype is staying put. I put to much time in it still has all the little mistakes that go into a new design from scratch.

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