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skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) I'm definitely pleased with the work The Artery does and happy to give them the credit and a bit of a plug. AGDQ 2022 prize listing is up and we're in the first block of prizes (likely owing to Mega Man 2 being run during that block and my picture also being from an NES Mega Man game). Full game schedule can be found at As usual, most of the games I want to see are while I'm at work or asleep, but always enjoy watching people show off their skills. And for a good cause

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

So we're pausing Twilight Princess again for a few weeks while we bust out this year's SGDQ prize submission (see attached). Started it today, so we're officially underway. First day, so part of the time was spent measuring the cloth, getting our starting position, etc., but we did a fair amount of stitching today, too. Starting in the upper left corner, figure we'll work our way down and save the text for last. It's definitely messing with my head some having black in the picture, but that's not the background. So over where we've started, we have the grey of the wall. Then a blue stripe. And then a black on to the right of that. And normally, I'd be stitching the blue with the black as the background. This time, though, the background is the blue and we'll be stitching the black. Little thing, but was throwing me off some as I was looking at it. No idea how long this will take to finish; giving myself 6 weeks to finish the end of April. Which will give The Artery all of May to frame it. And we finish early, that means getting in earlier, so much the better. We will have the big chunk of black to do, but none of the blue of the floor/background, so this may not take as long as I think. We shall see.
sgdq contra 3.png
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

Hope it goes super fast!!!
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

We shall see. :) About a week in and still debating whether six weeks will be enough time or not. Top third or so, the explosion/hole in the wall will take the longest to do. Figure three weeks to do that. Text I think will take about a week and a half. So that leaves a week and a half to do the middle half. Which is a few lines on the floor, the electricity and our shocked hero. So maybe? As we get into April, I can see if I need to step up a little and do say, an hour and a half a day here and there or not. I've done most of the explosions on the left and will be able to finish them this weekend. All the black will take some time, but at least it'll be simple to do. Still having trouble wrapping my head around the blue being the background, rather than the black like usual, so hopefully stitching the black will help with that. :) And Sunday when I was getting started, I was checking my colors, making sure I had all I needed, reminded myself what colors I wanted for what, etc. Looking at the picture and thinking the middle tone of the explosions was a reddish orange. And I had picked a bright carrot orange and wondering what I was thinking. But at the end of the day, I was looking again and decided maybe orange was okay. So the goal this week was to start stitching the explosions so that I could see the colors together, see if they worked and all. And I think they do. Maybe a little oranger than the picture, but there's contrast with the light orange and dark red of the explosions, so I think this will work. Lot easier following a pattern when some one else has already chosen the colors. :)

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

We are making great progress. My plan/goal was to finish this top third in three weeks, which would be by this coming Saturday. We'll beat that goal and then some. As you can see, we've got all the walls, explosions, bits and pieces done, we just need to finish stitching in the black. We'll finish that on Tuesday, likely, or maybe first thing Wednesday. As I said, the end of last week, I wasn't sure if 6 weeks was going to be enough time or not, but I can see now, we'll finish the end of April easily. Week and a half to do the text, leaves two weeks to do the middle section, and that won't take that long. Few lines going across plus our hero, no sweat. And I also found out I'm not on as a tight a deadline as I thought. SGDQ is the end of June/start of July this year, rather than the start of June like I thought. Still going to finish this up, get it in to The Artery to get it done, but nice to know they've got a little more leeway for backordered frames or other such stuff which happens.
sgdq contra wip 4-3-22 IMG_20220403_094206132.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

It's looking great! And yay for having more time than you'll get it done, no problem...but it's nice to know you have a little wiggle room!
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) The nice thing about my Zelda projects is they're for me, so when they get done, they get done. And if it takes me a year and a half to finish Twilight Princess, well, that's okay. GDQ prizes we've got a deadline, so there's a bit more pressure. But I do try to get them started early enough to have some cushion room. But knowing I've got an extra month is nice. That said, we're moving right along and we'll easily get this done by the end of the month. Finished the black hole yesterday, moved the hoop and did a little over half of the black line in the floor. We'll see how long it takes to do our hero (I know the guys have names, Spike and Mad Dog or some other 80s tough guy/action name, but can't think of them off hand), but finishing by the end of next week shouldn't be a problem. Figuring a week and a half for the text (think I based that off 4 letters a day, which I think is about what I did for MM6 for AGDQ), which would have us finishing April 27 or so. If I'm further ahead of my schedule, I may start doing a little extra a day to get it finished by the 23rd just to get it to The Artery that much sooner, but we'll see (they're closed Sundays and Mondays, so if finishing by the 23rd isn't going to happen, might as well take my time, take the couple extra days and just get it to them the 26th or 27th).

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

So I am an idiot. Know the saying "measure twice, cut once"? Applies to stitching. Started stitching today and noticed that I seemed to getting rather close to the bottom of my fabric and it sure didn't look like I'd have room for the text. Looked at my picture, 149 pixels/stitches tall. 14ct, comes to about 10.5". Measure my fabric and it's about 11". Which means I figured out how big my picture was, but forgot to account for a couple of inches on each side when I cut it (did for the width, just not the height). So where do we go from here? I have more of the fabric, but not enough to do the picture, so if I start over, I'd have to order more (local Michael's doesn't carry this color), which puts us a week and a half or so behind, not to mention the couple of weeks we've stitched that we'd have to redo. I have enough room with what I have for the picture, but the text is what makes it more than just any old screenshot and why I chose this shot. But leaving off the text is an option. Option 3 is stitching the text on my extra fabric and sticking the two pieces together? Is that a thing? Would The Artery have to stretch each piece separately and then tape them together or tape the two pieces together and stretch them together? Any other ideas, suggestions, etc.?

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Stopped by The Artery this morning to talk with them about the situation, is there an easy fix, etc. And they almost immediately came up with a simple solution that will work and won't require me starting over. Yay! I'll stitch the picture and stitch the text and we'll just treat them as two separate pictures, rather than trying to put them together. So we'll have them stretched and mounted separately, but in the same frame with some matting/space in between. Measured my extra material and the text will fit perfectly, with the necessary extra space around, so we're good to go. I did order a new piece of fabric yesterday, in case I did have to start over (sooner I ordered, sooner it shipped and I could get back to work), so I'll just have that for some future project. Unusual color, but I'm using it here; they may be another occasion I'll need it.

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

I am SO glad that there's a way to work around that!!! Sounds like the folks at Artery really know their stuff!!!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

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