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skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

It's looking fantastic!!! You are zooming right along!
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Yeah, it's really coming together nicely/quickly. I'll be able to finish his head and the helicopter today without any trouble. So the rest of this week will be working on the houses and his tail. That'll prolly take me through the weekend, then three or four days to finish up the text, so we should be finished before the end of next week without much difficulty.

And then we turn our attention to AGDQ2021. Got a good idea of what I'm thinking of doing, though I may want to tweak things a little. Almost all text, so something I can bust out in a couple of weeks or so, so we can get it into The Artery for framing in time to ship it out. And then back to Zelda with the Oracles. Have a pattern for each I want to combine into one since the games are so linked together, but I haven't worked out exactly how I want to do that just yet. But we'll worry about that mid-November or so, once I get these other projects done.

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

And we're finished. Made it in by the end of the month and I didn't even have to push things or do any extra work each day. I was surprised how quickly this came together because there is quite a bit of stitching for Godzilla and the houses, but, as they say, one stitch at a time, just keep plugging away. Dropped it off at The Artery this afternoon, so we'll see what the final product looks like, but I like what we have here. Various grays for Godzilla himself really make a difference as opposed to one solid color. Working on it/looking at it up close and in a focused area, you really don't see it, but once you step back and look at the whole picture, it looks good. Not something I would have thought of doing, or been able to make look good, but that's why I stitch patterns, rather than create them. :) Think my friend will be pleased with this, and we've got it done in plenty of time to get it to her for Christmas (barring any frame backorders or the occasional other supply issue that has plagued a couple of my projects. But most have gone smoothly).

And, with Godzilla done, we turn our attention to AGDQ 2021 . It'll be online only again, obviously this virus isn't going away any time soon, and scheduled to run Jan. 3-10. Prizes aren't being accepted quite yet (starting November 8), but the sooner I get started on this, the sooner I can have it in the hands of The Artery to ensure I have the final product back in time. One of the blocks/groups of games at AGDQ is the "awful block": terrible games or ones with some glaring flaws, the B movies of video games we love because of their cheesiness. So my prizes have featured some bad (good?) Engrish from NES games fitting that idea. This year's is no exception. Ending screen from Ghostbusters. I almost went with the ending of the Japanese version of the game, just because it's Engrish is even worse, but I decided to go with the US version. A) After looking back and forth, there was only one word different (in the Japanese version, we have completed a "grate" game), B) most people watching are prolly going to be more familiar with the US version and C) we expect non-natives to have trouble with English. When it was brought to the US and translated into English, some one should have caught that there were more mistakes than just "grate". The logo actually isn't on the ending screen, I added that in. First reason was to give some indication of the game in question. Also wanted there to be something besides just the text. But the logo is taken directly from the game. Had to flip it to get it facing the right/usual way, but otherwise haven't modified it. But this should be a fairly simple and straightforward pattern to do. Figure I can bust it out in a couple of weeks or so, prolly closer to three. But should be done in plenty of time to get it shipped off. And then we can get back to Zelda. :)
agdq 2021 ghostbust-2.png
agdq 2021 ghostbust-2.png (2.83 KiB) Viewed 14794 times
godzilla done 10-29-20 IMG_20201029_144630624.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

It looks fantastic! Congrats on the great finish!
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Thanks, Firehawke. :) No word yet on it being finished, but I expect the next week, two weeks it should be ready for pickup.

Meanwhile, we're moving right along with this year's AGDQ prize submission (or I guess it would be next year's, since the event is in January). Couple of weeks in, so this isn't going to be quite as quick as I first imagined. On the other hand, Looking at where I was after today, I think I can finish this up early next week, so we're ahead of my estimate once I started stitching. My goal is to get it at least turned in to The Artery before Thanksgiving, so they'll have it to work on around family obligations for the holiday and all that. And then I don't have to worry about them being closed extra days later in the week or anything. No real issues or mistakes to correct or anything, which has helped move things along. The fact that the letters all line up with one another is both a help, lining up lower lines/text, and something to watch out for: anything off will be obvious. For the most part though, it's been a help. Looking at finish the text this week, prolly three days to do the logo, as I said, we should be able to wrap this up before Thanksgiving without having to put in extra time. But we'll see.

Also means I need to start planning for my next project. Games in question are Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Zelda: Oracle of Seasons. Have patterns for both and because the games link up, my plan is to combine the patterns into one. How exactly I'm going to do that, though, is still a question. And then I need to create that superpattern so I can easily stitch it without having to figure out things on the fly. But we'll worry about that during the holiday weekend once we get this project done and turned in to be framed.
agdq 2021 wip 11-15-20 IMG_20201115_094223334.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

Good luck with speedy stitching! I can't wait to see how you combine those 2 that pair of games!
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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by faroresdragn »

Lol now im going to have to try that donkey kong one thats so cool

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

I got this, firehawke. :) Have 13 letters (and an exclamation point) to go, so the text should be finished this week with little trouble. Figure the logo will take three days, so we should be done Monday or Tuesday. Left a message with The Artery to see what their holiday hours are next week as I may need to do a little extra work to get it in before they close for Thanksgiving. But we're pretty close, less than 10 hours to go, so not a huge deal.

Two patterns are a circle of the different Essences. So my two likely plans are either alternate them in one big circle, or have the two circles overlap like a Venn diagram. I'm inclined towards the latter, because it kinda symbolizes them being separate games, but still linked, but I haven't decided for sure. Enjoyed both games myself (except Goron dancing. Curse their musical hides :) ) and actually just picked up copies of both last week. Have several other games on my plate currently, but looking forward to giving them another run through near future.

You're welcome to the picture, faroresdragn. I just slightly modified a screenshot. Unfortunately, I didn't make a record of the threads I used, so I can't help with that. I put the pic in KG-Chart and used its suggestions as a starting point, but ended up going with other colors for most of it. Took my laptop to Michael's, pull up the pic and just tried matching colors. And, as I said, I ended up having to change one of the colors once I started stitching because there wasn't enough contrast. But, this is a good reminder/suggestion to make a note of colors used for pictures I design myself for others that might come along later. So far, Ghostbusters has just been "blanc", so that's easy. I have a couple of reds and greys picked out for the logo, but haven't decided which I'm going with yet. But, once I do, I can include that info here for anyone else who might want to stitch it.

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by skater43 »

Finished Ghostbusters up yesterday and just dropped it off at The Artery. So we finished right about on schedule, got it in before Thanksgiving, we're in good shape. Deadline to turn in prizes is December 26th, so we've got a bit of time, but I wanted to get it done to give us some breathing room for backordered frames or other such possibilities. Pleased how it turned out and glad I added the logo, just to give a splash of color and so it wasn't just all text (not to mention make it clearer which game it's from). Mentioned that the letters all lining up was a blessing and a curse and got to see both in action here. For the most part, having the letters line up made it easier to place them. Unfortunately, as I was finishing up the last bit, I noticed I got off a square on the third line/grouping of text. Fortunately, looking at the picture as a whole and from a normal person's perspective (as opposed to focused and up close as I was working on it), it isn't noticeable. But, if we wanted things to be perfect every time, we'd just have machines make them.

Pure coincidence, since I'd planned this weeks/months ago, but noticed on the AGDQ schedule that a Ghostbusters game is on the docket, albeit the Sega Genesis version, rather than the NES version featured here.

Only used three colors, but I'm happy to list those for anyone down the road who wants to take a crack at this. The ending screenshot is from and I got the logo from ... rsNES.html (not the title screen, but the screenshot of gameplay. I did have to flip the logo, though, to get it facing the typical direction). All the text is DMC BLANC. The red in the logo is DMC 666 Christmas Red and the little bit of grey is DMC 414 Steel Grey.

And we also have Godzilla back and framed and ready to go. Need to snag a box from work tonight, but that won't be a problem. And still plenty of time to get it shipped up to my friend for Christmas. I like how the final project turned out and I think she'll be pleased as well.
godzilla framed IMG_20201123_115909954.jpg
agdq 2021 done 11-23-20 IMG_20201123_120438526.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches non-Zelda things

Post by Firehawke »

Godzilla looks great in its frame! And congrats on the finish! And LOVE the Venn Diagram idea!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

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