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skater43 stitches Zelda games

Video game craft projects made with thread and needles...
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Very pleased with our progress. Got our hoop moved to the right, so we're starting our second column. Zelda is completely done. We are making good progress on the smokestack. Doubt I'll have this hoop done by next WIP pic, but it'll be close. Basically, the whole area we're doing dark green currently is all that color. Bit just above it, what's left, is all one color. And above that is the sky, which is a few colors, but big blocks of them. So week to do our current section, week for the area above and another week to do sky doesn't seem unreasonable, though maybe not entirely practical. But we'll see. 120 hours in now, including today's work, so we have a good chunk done, but a lot still to go. For a reference point, the pen is at about the halfway point horizontally, so when we finish this column, we'll actually be slightly more than halfway done, like 55% done or so.

In case you didn't see it in my other thread, my ending screen of Flipull is available as a prize tonight, roughly 10:30 p.m. California time to 10 a.m. tomorrow. Mere $25 gets you entered into the drawing to try to win it (as it is every January/AGDQ, the money raised is going to the Prevent Cancer Foundation). Sure they'll do a prize segment at some point tonight to highlight, but no idea when that'll be. Event is in Pittsburgh, so my picture is available starting about 1:30 a.m. local time, so I imagine they'll highlight it sooner rather than later, but we'll see.

Next hoop move might be a good time to pause Spirit Tracks and knock out our next GDQ prizes. Have to see how the next couple of weeks go. But, I need to do some chasing around Tuesday morning, so my plan is tomorrow, pull up my patterns for SGDQ 2025 and AGDQ 2026, see what colors I already have and then stop by Michaels on Tuesday on my way home to pick up anything I might need. I will need to order the cloth for my SGDQ prize, so if I still need a color, I can order that at the same time. And when stuff arrives could be a factor into when we start, too, but I order things Tuesday or Wednesday, I fully expect to have them late next week at the latest. So end of January/start of February, we'll get our GDQ stuff going, which will take us through April maybe? Not really sure until we start stitching, especially SGDQ which is more complex. But after that, for the rest of the year, unless an unexpected opportunity arises, we'll be knocking out a lot of Spirit Tracks. Doubt we'll finish by the end of the year, but early next year for sure.
spirit tracks wip 1-5-25 IMG_20250105_153121.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

Congrats on finishing Zelda! And good luck gathering all the supplies!
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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you! :) We obviously have a lot to go still, but always feels good to finish one part, to have some aspect completed. Smokestack is going better/faster than expected, too. Right side on the bottom has a second color, but I'll be able to finish our current dark green likely tomorrow. This same dark green is in a big patch on the right side of the hoop, so we'll jump to that next, then do bottom right of hoop and then fill in the rest of the smokestack. Honestly, finishing the smokestack by next Wednesday or Thursday seems rather feasible, but we'll see how things shake out. But that could mean a week+ to do the sky portion of this hoop, which doesn't seem unreasonable. So finishing the hoop by our next scheduled WIP pic is actually a possibility. And if not, it'll just be a couple of extra days, so my current thinking is just finish the hoop, take a WIP pic whenever that is, then pause for GDQ stuff.

Speaking of GDQ, prize segment highlighting my prize was actually late Monday morning near the end of the prize block, which does make more sense than the wee hours of the night. VODs are going up fast and furious, but as has been the case the past few events, they're cutting out the between runs stuff. However, I pulled up the raw video off Twitch, so you can see Flipull highlighted at about the 23:04:40 mark of As you guys will see in a few weeks, my SGDQ 2025 and AGDQ 2026 prizes will feature much less obscure games.

And along those lines, our material gathering is off to a great start. When through my thread collection Monday and saw I had all the colors for both projects already, so no need to make a stop at Michaels this morning. What was helpful was one project is using something from a previous one, and because I was smart and listed the colors I used here on this board for that previous project, I could just look up what I used (and knew I had those colors already). With thread in hand, we ordered our cloth yesterday, too. Has not shipped yet, but fully expect it to the next day or so and should arrive sometime next week. So we'll have it in plenty of time. If nothing else, I could starting busting out the AGDQ prize first, though obviously, SGDQ is on a bit of a deadline (though we're still a few months out). But Spirit Tracks is moving right along and we have almost everything in place for our GDQ stuff, so things are looking good.

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

You are making such great progress! And yay for having all of the colors you need...hope your fabric arrives soon! And it was so fun seeing them show your piece!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

And this is where we are going to pause Spirit Tracks for a couple of months. We are now at 145 hours, including today's work. Looked like I would be able to move the hoop and pause things yesterday, but got off to a little bit of a rough start with thread getting tangled and having to undo/redo a few stitches. Not a huge deal, but slowed us down and I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped. But, we finished up that little bit today and rather than try to get our SGDQ project laid out but no real work done, decided to just do a little more work on this. So we moved the hoop and cleaned up a couple of loose threads already. But plenty more to clean up as we can see, so I'll have a good starting point when I return to this and should be able to easily
see where I'm working/where to go. Which is obviously a concern when taking an extended break. But shouldn't have any issues here.

As we can see, though, things are progressing nicely. Have most of the smokestack done and more of the sky above it. For reference again, the pen is at about the horizontal halfway point, to give a rough idea how far along we are and how much we still have to go. Two+ hoops to go to finish this column, so I doubt seriously we'll finish the column at/under 200 hours. However, we've done work to the right of halfway, so 200 hours may still be a good halfway ballpark. Last hoop was pretty easy; we should be getting into Link soon, so that'll complicate matters/have us doing slower, more detailed work with more color changes, so we'll see. But, that'll be in a couple of months. Check my other thread for my SGDQ 2025 prize pattern and I'll talk a bit about how I came up with the idea and background information. Really not sure how long it'll take to stitch, but it is less involved than last year's King Zora or a couple of other prizes. As is tradition, my AGDQ prize, which is under less of a time constraint being 11ish months out, rather than just 5, is much simpler and will likely be busted out in two weeks. But we'll cross that bridge down the road. Meantime, we've made good progress here on Spirit Tracks and tomorrow, we begin our SGDQ 2025 prize.
spirit tracks wip 1-29-25 IMG_20250129_125202.jpg

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by Firehawke »

You have gotten SO much done before this pause!!!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

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Re: skater43 stitches Zelda games

Post by skater43 »

Thank you. :) Last hoop was pretty quick being only a few colors. Rest of this column is mostly train, so reasonably large sections of the same colors, so I expect to make fairly quick work once we get back to this, maybe late March. End of July finish this column? Hard to project this far out, but that seems reasonable. And will have us well past halfway at around 270 hours. 450ish hours for the whole thing is still looking like a decent estimate, but we'll see.

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