Walking to Mordor

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Re: Walking to Mordor

Post by Aegidia »

Congrats Hellfire!! I just added 35 km to my total from the past week - and didn't change location. Terribly annoying. Can't wait to get to Rivendell!

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Re: Walking to Mordor

Post by Aegidia »

I trudged through mud and knee-deep water for 4 hours yesterday in the name of team-building, keeping myself going partly by thinking 'well, at least every step is a step towards Mordor' - until at the very end the guide showed us a map and pointed out the 7 km route we had walked. 7 km in 4 hours. With an added bonus of falling into the mud full-length, all clothes ruined.

Also, did anyone see this? "Simply walking into Mordor: How much lembas would the Fellowship have needed?" http://www.physics.le.ac.uk/jist/index. ... iew/109/65

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Re: Walking to Mordor

Post by Hellfire »

Hey guys, just a word of warning.

The weekly tracker on the google maps only adds up the total distance until week 25 (column AB). Any numbers added after haven't been added to the cumulative total. Just means you have to alter the boxes to add in the extra weeks.
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Re: Walking to Mordor

Post by TigerLily »

I haven't been able to update this in a while because I haven't really had much access to the PC due to moving around and stuff, but I finally got to update a little bit.

I'm making a new plan to walk around a nearby park every morning, so hopefully I'll be making a bit more progress soon enough. :)

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Re: Walking to Mordor

Post by Aegidia »

I've finally reached Rivendell!! It took a long time, but it was worth it. This is, however, the point at which I will stop tracking (I'm just going to sit on my bum with the Elves and leave the dangerous destroying-the-One-Ring to other people). It was a lot of fun and very beneficial. Specifically, in case anyone needs to be convinced of why this was worthwhile:

- I walked more, making me realize that I feel better when I walk more. Just one 4 km walk a day (about 40-45 minutes) makes me feel so much better. It's relaxing and makes me feel much happier about my body. Away with the aches and pains that come with having a desk job!
- It made me realize how easy it was to make walking part of my routine. After just a week or two of trying to fit in that one 40-45 minute walk, it became routine and things felt off if I couldn't (or wouldn't!) make that walk.
- It made me less lazy. Before, I would think 'well, the bus will get me there as fast as walking' and I would wait for the bus. Now, I think 'walking will get me there as fast as the bus', or even 'walking will only take 10 minutes more than the bus', and I'll walk. It's much healthier overall!

So, I hope everyone who is still going will make it to Mordor, and I hope that anyone who has been thinking about joining in will join! Good luck!

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Re: Walking to Mordor

Post by Pyper »

I just entered the last 2-3 months of walking data I had, and raced past Weathertop! Rivendell is now in my sights!

The last few months have been too hectic to get into a routine, but things are settling down now. I got a new job so I walk at least an hour a day to/from that. The weather is also getting nice enough to go for a walk in the evenings, so Rivendell here I come!
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Re: Walking to Mordor

Post by rockinwithrammstein »

I keep forgetting to put my walking on here. My kids and I walk to and from the grocery store a couple times a week, so I've forgotten about 20 miles lol
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