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Adding a family member...

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Re: Adding a family member...

Post by SofaraStarfyre »

Aridesh wrote:That's so good that she's doing better! You get so attached to the furry family so quickly, and it's really tough to see them be ill. I've always had such a thing for the runts of litters. They just end up having so much personality and pep when they grow up!

Sadly, the getting better didn't last. Eliza had to be taken back to the Vet ER on Tuesday because she was refusing to eat again, and they found she had pneumonia. She was reportedly getting better again on Wednesday afternoon/night, but then the next day (Thursday 12/11), she took a turn for the worse and the vet feared she might also have neurological issues along with the pneumonia. She went down hill very quickly and we basically had two choices, both ending with her dying, which wasn't what we wanted of course, but you can't stop it. It was simply a case of do we make it short and painless or do we try to ride it out and see if she gets better, but the prognosis on that was very bleak, in which case, she would suffer. We couldn't let the latter happen, so we asked to have her put to sleep, and also cremated so we can bury her properly when the ground thaws, as winter is coming on here and the ground is currently frozen. This is the first pet I've had die, and it hurts my heart since I was already attached to her even and she wasn't even in our home yet as she still needed to mature more. Thankfully my hubby is very understanding that I need closure for this and isn't arguing with my idea that I want to do. I need to do it for me and maybe even him and my son to help them too since it hurt all of us. Basically I want to get a paper mache box and decorate it and put her ashes into it. Come spring she will be being buried properly with a beautiful purple Rose of Sharon bush over her resting place.

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Re: Adding a family member...

Post by Aridesh »

I'm so sorry. Losing a pet is so tough, as I know from far too much experience. I think burying the ashes is definitely something worth doing. I buried my rabbit that way when I was about 7, and it does help bring some closure.
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Re: Adding a family member...

Post by Eliste »

Oh I'm so sorry. Losing a pet is one of the hardest things. We lost our dog back in January and it still hurts.*hugs*

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Re: Adding a family member...

Post by CitrusOda »

I'm really sorry for your loss. The puppy was really cute and looked like it was loved by everyone.
I hope everyone in your family is doing well, grieving can be really hard especially this close to Christmas.
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Re: Adding a family member...

Post by blackmageheart »

So sorry to hear about the puppy, Sofara. *hugs*
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Re: Adding a family member...

Post by rockinwithrammstein »

Aw, I'm so sorry for your loss :(
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Re: Adding a family member...

Post by SofaraStarfyre »

Thanks all. It's been hard because my son and I would go visit her every other day and the last time I got to see her before all of this, was last Sunday. It feels weird not going to see her. There are other puppies in the litter left still and as much as we would love to choose another one, right now we have something else on our plate that requires all of our attention, along with scrimping and saving every penny where we can. I don't want to say it in this thread, but it's a good thing so I will post it over in the YML thread shortly.

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Re: Adding a family member...

Post by Firehawke »

You guys are in my prayers!
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