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MapleGirl's excuse for vanishing

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Re: MapleGirl's excuse for vanishing

Post by RMDC »

Because of my winter hiatus from Sprite Stitch, I totally missed this. I'm so sorry that you're going through this, Maple, but at the same time I'm inspired by your good spirits, wit, and forward outlook! I hope there's good news to tell - if not now, then soon. I'll be sending positive energy your way, currently and retroactively. :nod
Mostly hibernating here. Find me on Twitter @rmdcade.

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Re: MapleGirl's excuse for vanishing

Post by BooChocoBoom »

I add my sincerest wishes for good health as well. :hug:
Hope to see you back around during recovery.
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Re: MapleGirl's excuse for vanishing

Post by Yurtle »

What an awful thing to go through! All the pre-stuff just to get to this diagnosis! I'll be thinking of you and wishing for the very best! I hope everything goes well and you'll be cancer-free very soon! Keep us updated on this and the stitchy goodness! :)

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Re: MapleGirl's excuse for vanishing

Post by Firehawke »

I pray that things are going well!!!
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Re: MapleGirl's excuse for vanishing

Post by m4pl3g1rl »

Wow. So good news, sad news, maddening news, and frustrating news. ^_^

Good news: I'm cured! The surgery went well, and I get to keep my ovaries for now. They found another carcenoma on my uterus but also in stage one, so really everything was caught as early as possible. I now have three purple scars on my tummy, and the doc says I'm healing nicely.

Sad news: Two days after I was declared cured (which was early February) my grandfather passed away. He had kidney failure so it's good he went, he was in so much pain, and missing his beloved wife who died eleven years previous. Still sad for those of us left behind. I sang with my brother at his funeral. It was a sweet moment for me. I don't get to sing with him as often as I'd like.

Maddening news: So, we're recovering from all this, and then my son comes home and tells me he thinks he needs to kill himself. Wait . . . WHAT?!? He's only 8! Apparently some of the kids in his class have been telling him they wish he were dead. I contacted the teacher, and he says it isn't happening now, but my hubby and I were heavily bullied in school, so we're going to keep a close eye on this. Seriously, what do people teach their kids nowadays? We're trying to go for the "be calm, be nice, be respectful, and remember other kids have bad days, so forgive them".

Frustrating news: Thanks to Christmas, illness, a funeral and LIFE, my cross stitch stuff is buried in a pile of boxes and stuff. I can't get to it! :cry: And my cross stitch program that I love is not working for me!

In the interim I've turned to painting Reaper Bones Miniatures for our D&D group. I also got some figs for Mouselings which I don't even play but oh my goodness they're SO CUTE!

So, what's up with you guys?

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Re: MapleGirl's excuse for vanishing

Post by blackmageheart »

Wow, that's a lot of life right there!
m4pl3g1rl wrote:I'm cured!
That's excellent news! I hope you're taking it easy for now, though. :)

Sorry to hear about your grandfather, that's sad. And that thing with your son - how awful! I hope that has stopped.
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: MapleGirl's excuse for vanishing

Post by Eliste »

m4pl3g1rl wrote:Wow. So good news, sad news, maddening news, and frustrating news. ^_^
I'm so relieved! That is some great news (the first part). Here's hoping things will only get better from here on out.

(and don't worry- the scars will eventually fade. Mine did, anyway)

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Re: MapleGirl's excuse for vanishing

Post by Firehawke »

SO glad that the surgery went well!!!

Sorry to hear about your grandfather!

RUDE KIDS!!! I was bullied in school, too...not fun! I pray that they stop and that your son isn't strongly impacted by their negativity!

Oh no! It's no fun when crafts get least you have some minis to paint so you don't have total craft withdrawal! Good luck unburying your cross stitch and good luck with your software!

Take care!!!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

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