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Pokeball Peyote Pinkie Ring

Video game craft projects made with MISC supplies...
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Pokeball Peyote Pinkie Ring

Post by KittensConsole »

I had ordered some miyuki size 15/0's and they ended up not working out for their intended use. So instead I used them for a simple peyote pinkie ring :grin: It was originally supposed to be a bracelet but I make so many I decided to try a ring instead. I am thinking about making a cherish ball style to match my cherish ball bracelet ( viewed in one of my other posts and here : ... -440493549 ) :yahoo: I am very happy with the result. I also normally don't use the peyote stitch but I found it worked well because the joining of the ends was seamless, also its quick and easy while producing nice results.
Pokeball Peyote Pinkie Ring.jpg
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