Crochet Link
Here is an awesome amigurumi (crochet) Link made by Little Musings…
Here is an awesome amigurumi (crochet) Link made by Little Musings…
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of course tigerlily wasnt happy just making a cake, she had to crochet donkey, diddy, and trixie.  this has to be way better than just making it all edible, now they get to eat cake and keep the amigurumi as a … Continued
DeviantArtist bandotaku made this awesome project. via[DeviantArt]
PixelBlock has another cute offering on their etsy store… Etsy – $23
The Baneling is a critter from StarCraft that causes all sorts of problems by exploding on you. Despite this; they are a fan favorite. aryarules made this one with arigurumi for her boyfriend. via[TheSpriteStitchBoard]
I was going to post MengyMenagerie’s adorable amigurumi Pokémon starters, but then I saw Waluigi and had to show you him. The baddies don’t get enough love! Via [DeviantART]