Amigurumi Moogle
PinkPoodle made this adorable Amigurumi Moogle. 🙂 via[TheSpriteStitchForum]
PinkPoodle made this adorable Amigurumi Moogle. 🙂 via[TheSpriteStitchForum]
Everything that LunasCrafts makes is amazing. Her latest amigurumi is no exception. Check out her Deviant Art page and her Etsy store. (I’ve purchased some of her amigurumi Star Wars patterns in the past!) via[DeviantArt]
Forum regular caslzelda makes very unique items, and this is her latest work: A lovely crocheted Pikachu! But if you pop it open… Games inside! Cute and functional, what more could you want? 🙂 Via: Sprite Stitch Forums
We see a lot of Pokemon around Sprite Stitch, crafted in all sorts of unique ways. I’m not sure I’ve seen anything quite like these before! They’re called “Poke-cubes” and are knitted cube-shaped plushies, all handmade by Lorna of P1X3LKnitting. … Continued
Borderlands and its sequel are two of the most original and hilarious games I have ever played. There are so many memorable characters, and Mad Moxxi is definitely one of them! Livingdeaddesigns on Etsy has this lovely Moxxi doll for … Continued
I have to admit, I am a real sucker for anything cute. These tiny Pokemon made by mengymenagerie are just adorable! Named Fire Salamander, Water Turtle and Bulb Dinosaur, these little guys are all available in mengy’s Etsy store along with … Continued
Laialda made this Final Fantasy 6 doll. She says, “This was a commission piece I got back at Magfest, and is based off Kefka’s design from the Dissidia games. The guy was great working with me on all the details … Continued