8 Responses

  1. that is an amazing cross stitch. Is there any way I could get hold of the pattern for it.

  2. I’d love the pattern as well. Anyway to let Ivan know of our (mine and jelibe’s) interest?

  3. I can check in with ivan through email and see what he says…I could make another pattern but I need his permission first..

  4. […] original Yoshi Cross Stitch was sent in by Ivan and stitched / created by his wife Belinda. The pattern was requested and […]

  5. On the pattern; are those stitch numbers DMC?

  6. I would love to have a copy of the pattern!!

  7. Yoshi | Arte Del Ricamo Europeo

    […] un bellissimo schema da ricamare a punto croce, è possibile inoltre ammirare una morbida copertina con la realizzazione dello Schema a Punto Croce di Yoshi ricamato a […]

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